All posts in " success "

The leading cause of failure

By Dave Henning / June 29, 2024

“You can avoid making mistakes and play not to lose, or you can make the most of every opportunity and play to win.  I live by a simple premise: the greatest risk is taking no risk at all. . . .  The leading cause of failure is mismanaged success.  And the leading cause of success […]


Uplifting moments = success?

By Dave Henning / October 3, 2021

“Success is not based on how you feel or on the uplifting moments when you receive rewards, recognition, or overwhelming responses from others.  Success is to be found in the way you live day in and day out.  It is to be found as you pursue what God calls you to do and to be.”- […]


Success is stewardship, stewardship is success

By Dave Henning / April 21, 2021

“In the grand scheme of things, success is stewardship, and stewardship is success.  Simply put, success is doing the best you can with what you have where you are.  Potential is God’s gift to us, and what we do with it is our gift to God.  That’s the bottom line.”- Mark Batterson (emphasis author’s) As […]


Emptiness- more intense in success

By Dave Henning / November 24, 2018

” . . . the emptiness so many people experience in life is more intense in success that it is in failure. . . .  Most of us have this notion that Once I get to a certain place or achieve a certain thing, life will truly start in full, and I’ll finally be happy […]


God’s stamp of approval on your life

By Dave Henning / June 14, 2018

“If we have God’s stamp of approval on our lives — meaning if we’re doing the things he has called us to do — and most importantly, finishing the things he has called us to do — and we do it for his glory, in his strength, to accomplish his goals, then we’re wildly successful.”- […]


Pursuing God’s call – how strong we finish

By Dave Henning / April 11, 2018

“Anybody can start a race.  The real question over our lives is not how strong we will begin our race to pursue God’s call but how strong we will finish it.”- Banning Liebscher “Let us finish with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith.”- […]


Each day holds a surprise – only if we expect it

By Dave Henning / August 14, 2017

“Each day holds a surprise.  But only if we expect it can we see, hear, or feel it when it comes to us.  Let’s not be afraid to receive each day’s surprise, whether it comes to us as sorrow or as joy.  It will open a new place in our hearts, a place where we […]


Success is Who you have

By Dave Henning / March 16, 2017

“Success is not what you have; success is Who you have.”- Dr. Tony Evans “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.”- Genesis 50:20 In Chapter 14 (“The Peace of Detours”) of Detours, Dr. Tony Evans […]


The key to your spiritual success

By Dave Henning / March 15, 2017

“The key to your spiritual success is focus (emphasis author’s).”- Dr. Tony Evans As Dr. Tony Evans concludes Chapter 13 of Detours, he reminds you of the need to maintain focus on the right perspective as you meander though detours to your destiny.  Even though you quite possibly feel removed from purpose, passion, and peace, […]


Inciting incident (aka ‘defining moment’)

By Dave Henning / October 2, 2016

“Inciting incident . . . a turning point, tipping point, a point of no return.”- Mark Batterson In Chapter 3 (“The Ripple Effect”) of Chase the Lion, Pastor Mark Batterson observes that, when it comes to movies, we accept the fact there’s no story without a conflict.  However, Mark ads, this premise also rings true […]


Nuanced prayers

By Dave Henning / January 20, 2016

“Nuanced prayers give God an opportunity to reveal more shades of His sovereignty.”- Mark Batterson In Chapter 3 of The Circle Maker, Mark Batterson writes that there is a direct correlation between the strength of your faith and the specificity of your prayers.  Spelling out your prayers with specificity eventually will spell God’s glory. Pastor […]

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