All posts in " Trinity "

Dance of giving and receiving

By Dave Henning / July 26, 2024

“Before you participate in shame’s campaign, turning away from your own needs, remember, your longings are good, God-given even. . . . Need draws us toward each other.  We were meant to be engaged in a dance of giving and receiving.  Our need was given to braid us into the loving care of the Trinity.”- […]


Shalom in motion – the Trinity

By Dave Henning / August 5, 2023

“That relational harmony [of shalom] is modeled by the Trinity. . . .  The Trinity is three-part harmony.  The early church fathers called it perichoresis.  It’s a choreographed dance between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  The Trinity is shalom in motion.”- Mark Batterson Mark Batterson concludes Chapter 15 of Please Sorry Thanks with the third […]


The stoke comes from gathering

By Dave Henning / October 10, 2022

“But it’s not about offering fellow Christians a word of encouragement.  The stoke comes from gathering.  It’s when we gather that we should be caught up in the act of stoking one another on toward love and good deeds.”- Timothy D. Willard (emphasis author’s) “And let us consider how we may spur one another on […]


Firstfruits of the Spirit

By Dave Henning / June 18, 2016

“But we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.”- Romans 8:23 Mark Batterson begins Chapter 16 (“The Third Wheel”) of If by telling several anecdotes about not having a mechanical bone in his body.  For example, Pastor Batterson owned […]

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