All posts in " true self "

Radical transformations

By Dave Henning / January 13, 2024

“Radical transformations take time and require an intentional, systematic process.  This is a journey for all of us, an ongoing, replenishing process of identifying the lies, calling them what they are, and replacing them with the truth. . . .  Mental assent is just the beginning; we change when the truth affects us emotionally and […]


False and private self

By Dave Henning / February 10, 2023

“My false and private self is the one who wants to exist outside the reach of God’s will and God’s love — outside of reality and outside of life.”- Thomas Merton “You can tell when the false self takes over because you become easily offended.  The false self . . . is offended (about every […]


Lean into disruption – a choice

By Dave Henning / May 29, 2022

“If I could have predicted how isolated and abandoned I would feel in the years to come, I would have ignored my conscience [to leave my church] and gone with the flow.  Instead, I chose to lean into disruption; my conscience had finally overruled the status quo.  Still, ask anyone who has tried it; it’s […]


The true self you keep hiding inside yourself

By Dave Henning / October 9, 2017

“Part of resting in the reality that your true self is hidden with Christ in God is looking at the true self you keep hiding inside yourself.”- Jared C. Wilson “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. . […]

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