All posts in " “try softer” "

Try Softer: A Fresh Approach

By Dave Henning / December 14, 2020

Try Softer: A Fresh Approach (Tyndale Momentum, 2020) Aundi Kolber’s first book is Try Softer: A Fresh Approach to Move Us Out of Anxiety, Stress, and Survival Mode – and into a Life of Connection and Joy.  Most significantly, Aundi ministers as a licensed professional counselor, specializing in trauma and body-centered therapies.  From personal experience, […]


Doing the work required to set boundaries

By Dave Henning / November 26, 2020

“Doing the work required to set boundaries and feel safe as adults is critical if we are to learn to try softer.  As we begin to change the implicit or explicit narratives we were given, honoring our limits and creating safety are vital.  After all, how can we even begin to try softer with the […]


A significant part of learning to try softer

By Dave Henning / November 14, 2020

“A significant part of learning to try softer comes from recognizing that old wounds may be causing us to live in fight/flight/fawn or freeze even once we’re safe. . . .  Learning about the choices we have for how to respond to our own bodies before they’re in full-blown crisis can  help us to make […]


Try harder – or try softer, compassionately listen?

By Dave Henning / November 8, 2020

“Dear reader, there are truly times when the best, healthiest, most productive thing we can do is not to try harder, but rather to try softer; to compassionately listen to our needs so we can move through pain — and ultimately life — with more gentleness and resilience.”- Aundi Kolber In the Introduction to her […]


The biggest barrier to our becoming learners

By Dave Henning / June 28, 2017

“Often the biggest barrier to our becoming learners is what we think we already know.”- John Ortberg Today, John Ortberg continues Chapter 9 of The Me I Want to Be as he describes five ways to read the Bible. 1.  Read the Bible with curiosity.  Pastor Ortberg cites philosopher-educator John Dewey, who wrote: “Genuine ignorance […]

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