All posts in " weaknesses "

Constantly reaching for the next big thing

By Dave Henning / October 27, 2017

“When we have a life of constantly reaching for the next big thing, we miss the greatness God is calling us to right here, right now.  In the small, the ordinary, the hidden moments.  The white space.”- Sara Hagerty As Sara Hagerty concludes Chapter 4 of Unseen, she reminds us “the chief end of every […]


Face the truth

By Dave Henning / September 7, 2015

Today John Ortberg discusses the first two ways recognizing and going through open doors reveals and requires us to face the truth about ourselves (Chapter 7, All the Places to Go). 1.  What are my strengths and weaknesses?  We have to have some sense of our strengths, weaknesses, and interests if we’re going to understand […]

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