All posts in " wise "

Wise and understanding people to help God reign?

By Dave Henning / October 19, 2020

“But to the world it is very foolish and offensive that God should be opposed to the wise and condemn them, when, after all, we have the idea that God could not reign if he did not have wise and understanding people to help him. . . .  Everything that God does they must improve, […]


Stupid rubs off

By Dave Henning / October 26, 2015

“Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.”- Proverbs 13:20 In Chapter 7 (“From Isolated to Connected: Deepening Your Relational Circles”) of Simplify, Bill Hybels begins by asking: “Beyond your family, how many friends would show up at your funeral?”  Throughout Bill’s years in the pastoral ministry, he has […]

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