Rhythm or random?

By Dave Henning / April 30, 2012

Bob Merritt distinguishes between rhythmic and random approaches to life in Chapter 6 of When Life’s Not Working.  Establishing a healthy rhythm helps you become more consistent and effective.  On the other hand, although a random approach is spontaneous and free, it can be unreliable and unpredictable.  Random is acceptable when it fits in the overall framework of practiced rhythm.

Pastor Merritt cites a book by Jim Collins (Good to Great) where the author studied the qualities of great companies.  These companies were described as: consistent, focused, disciplined, rigorous, dogged, determined, diligent, precise, fastidious, systematic, methodical, workmanlike, demanding, accountable, and responsible.

When ministry downsizing or position loss turns everything upside down, it’s important to re-establish equilibrium.

Which of those business descriptors accurately describe your current approach to life?  Are there changes you need to make to restore balance?

About the author

Dave Henning

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