Packaging God

By Dave Henning / August 26, 2012

The woman standing in the hotel check-in line was holding one of Max Lucado’s books.  Taking notice, Max availed himself of the opportunity to introduce himself.  After glancing at his picture inside the dust jacket, the woman emphatically stated that Max could not possibly be who he claimed to be.  Her mind had packaged the image of a much younger Max, not allowing for the passage of time.  Her perspective was severely limited.

Referencing Matthew’s account of Jesus’ Transfiguration, Max comments that Peter had a similar packaging problem- building 3 tabernacles for Jesus, Moses and Elijah.  Max states that Peter was, in effect, attempting to place Jesus in a box labeled “great men of history”! But Jesus stands alone, unequaled.

As the author explains, our view of God is the key to overcoming our fears:

“As awe of Jesus expands, fears of life diminish.  A big God translates into big courage.  A small view of God generates no courage.  A limp, puny, fireless Jesus has no power. . . .  A packageable, portable Jesus might fit well in a purse or on a shelf, but he does nothing for your fears.”

The deeper our faith, the greater our God becomes in us.


About the author

Dave Henning

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