
Soul- satisfaction

“Because your love is better than life . . . my soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you.”- Psalm 63:3-5

“You can admire without having to acquire.”- John Ortberg

John Ortberg begins Chapter 14 (“The Soul Needs Satisfaction”) of Soul Keeping by citing author Michael Singer, who observes that there is a little mental dialogue going on in our heads all the time.  Pastor Ortberg adds that, in case we’re wondering what that voice wants, it wants more.  Always more.

Dr. B, a New Testament professor of John’s at Wheaton College, used to walk from his home to the campus.  One day he noticed a beautiful sign on a neighbor’s front door.  Admiration soon gave way to desire.  Desire morphed into resentment.  Dr. B couldn’t afford such a sign with his teaching salary.

John states that the Hebrew word for soul, nephesh, repeatedly is described as longing, wanting, or striving.  A research group affiliated with the University of Chicago recently listed the ten least happiest and the ten happiest jobs in the world.  They found that the ten least happy jobs were more financially lucrative and offered higher status than the ten happiest jobs.  The happiest jobs offered less money and status, but a higher sense of meaning.  John emphasizes: “Work is a soul function.  We were made to create value.”

Only in God will we find soul- satisfaction.

Today’s question: What Bible passages have helped strengthen your soul- satisfaction?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Strategic disappointment”



About the author 

Dave Henning

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