
Called to make decisions in community

“We are called to make decisions in community.  The challenge with making decisions in community, however, is that it requires humility and submission.”- Banning Liebscher (emphasis author’s)

“Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.”- Proverbs 11:14 (NKJV)

In Chapter 12 (“It’s Messy, but It Works”), the concluding chapter of Rooted, Banning Liebscher reminds us that we find strength in community.  Not isolation.  Speaking personally, Pastor Liebscher attests that any fruit or healthy area of his life has the best of others poured into it.  As a result, Banning explains:

“When we walk with those who are wise, we gain the strength of wisdom that is in their lives.  We’re not supposed to figure things out on our own. When we end up over our heads — which will happen all the time in God’s process of growth in our lives — we need to know that the strength, wisdom, and grace God want to give us are most likely going to come when we humble ourselves and reach out to our community.”

Thus, the wise counsel of our community helps us navigate the deep end.  Furthermore, Pastor Liebscher notes, in the book of Proverbs Solomon reiterates that we find safety when we access the wisdom of community.  Decisions made outside of community are unsafe.  Thus, God calls us to make decisions within it.  However, the challenge with making decisions in community centers around humility and submission.

In conclusion, Banning observes, you need humility to ask other people for counsel.  And, the author posits, humility comes harder as you age and feel pressure to be an expert on things.

So, when you find yourself in over your head, seek the Lord.  Next, immediately call on someone further along the faith journey than you.  Ask for their wisdom and strength.

Today’s question: What decisions have you made in community?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “The imperfect person God speaks through”

About the author 

Dave Henning

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