
Exoduses – all the Red Sea Roads

“The WayMaker works all the waves you see into the way you can’t yet see.  And all the Red Sea Roads are exoduses to more than some promised land but to the promised arms that will hold you safe, come any hell or high water.”- Ann Voskamp

“I called out to God for help; I cried out to God to hear me.  When I was in distress, I sought the Lord. . . .  Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though your footprints were not seen.”- Psalm 77:1-2, 19 (NIV)

In Chapter 11 (“Kin”) of WayMaker, Ann Voskamp stresses that every day of life begs for exodus after exodus.  However, Ann notes, it’s impossible to achieve an exodus without an entering.  And, the author underscores, when you live in via, on the way, you always live ready to surrender and move forward.

Above all, Ann asserts, we all need this most: to need.  Because need, dependence, and reliance cultivate trust and deepen the attachments making us secure.  The way of faith.  But, Ann exhorts:

“Sometimes you don’t know you’re turned the wrong way till you’re down that road a long way.  And yet, especially then, don’t doubt that the WayMaker makes wrong ways right.  This is the work of a good and kind God.” (emphasis Ann’s)

So, the author observes, how do we wake to a lived attachment to God, to moment-by-moment withness?  A transforming life of daily communion with God.  The answer?  We must see our relationship with God the way God sees it.  As marriage and adoption.

Certainly, Ann notes, marriage and adoption carry legal implications.  Yet, they’re more than simply a legal reality.  Hence, we need to view marriage and adoption as a lived reality, a lived attachment, a communion reality — a love story (emphasis Ann’s).  Therefore, we respond to Christ’s covenantal, saving faithfulness as we covenant our own faithfulness back to Him.  The heart of Jesus for ours, with ours, and in ours.

Today’s question: Do you see your Red Sea Roads as exoduses to the promised land as well as the promised arms of Jesus?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Withness and witness – the WayMaker”

About the author 

Dave Henning

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