An upward winding path – spiral

By Dave Henning / November 5, 2023

“Spiritual growth is more like an upward winding path in which we do revisit issues, but on different levels.  That same old spot is not in the same old place.  Addressing an old issue in a new season is often a sign of growth, not failure.”- Alicia Britt Chole

“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.  And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which is from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”- 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 (NIV)

In Chapter 30 (“Heart Matters”) of The Night is Normal, Alicia Britt Chole presents the second of eight tools to help you deal with disillusionment with yourself.

 2.  When disillusioned with yourself, make sure your signs for spiritual growth are spiritual.  Most significantly, Dr. Chole states, the darkest nights of life often provide the most fertile soil for spiritual growth.  Therefore disillusionment, humility, thankfulness, and applied love serve as signs of spiritual growth.

3.  When disillusioned with yourself, trade in your line for a spiral.  Moving on to Chapter 31 (“That Same Old Story”), Dr. Chole observes that when we view spiritual growth as a straight line, we know that we face challenges.  However, we expect to see each challenge only once.  As a result, we get quite confused when that issue crops up again.

Consequently, Dr. Chole suggests viewing spiritual growth as a three-dimensional spiral.  Because a linear view of spiritual growth is too simplistic for the genuine, complex life of faith.

In conclusion, as we travel upward on the spiritual growth spiral, we advance, not retreat.  We experience growth, not failure.  Above all, Dr. Chole counsels, God revisits our vulnerable areas as often as needed in His commitment to eradicate all spiritual disease within us.

And between levels, God lets us rest.

Today’s question: Do you see your spiritual growth as an upward winding path or linear?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Whispers in our weakness”

About the author

Dave Henning

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