All posts in "Blog"

The right cloud formation?

By Dave Henning / July 12, 2024

“If you wait for the right cloud formation or until planting conditions are perfect, you will never do anything.  All you need is a green light from God.  Throw caution to the wind and go for it.”- Mark Batterson “Sow your seed in the morning and at evening let not your hands be idle, for […]


Imperfect lives impact the world

By Dave Henning / July 11, 2024

“When we read about someone doing the impossible, we start to believe the impossible is possible.  When we read of passion and triumph and failure, we see that no one is perfect.  We need to know that imperfect people can lead imperfect lives and still impact the world around them in powerful ways.  That lets […]


Bumping into someone’s anointing

By Dave Henning / July 10, 2024

“When you surround yourself with people you admire, who live in a way that inspires you, they start to rub off on you.  I call it ‘bumping into someone’s anointing.’  It’s not something that can simply be taught.  It has to be caught.”- Mark Batterson (emphasis author’s) “It is amazing what you can accomplish if […]


A grateful eye or a critical eye?

By Dave Henning / July 9, 2024

“If people have a grateful eye, they will find something to celebrate even in the worst of circumstances.  The Bible calls this having a ‘good eye.’  Having a ‘good eye’ in life changes how you see yourself and everything around you. . . .  We want our reality to reflect the good things we choose […]


Between our ears – decisions

By Dave Henning / July 8, 2024

“How we approach life and react to its vagaries determines the bulk of our character. . . .  It is between our ears that we decide how easily offended we will be. . . .  In a very real sense, my world begins and ends between my ears.  I don’t have to be brain-dead to […]


The inverted gospel – unfulfilling

By Dave Henning / July 7, 2024

“Most people . . . are trying to lead instead of accepting the invitation to follow.  I call it the inverted gospel.  And it’s absolutely unfulfilling.  It’s not until you say to God, ‘whatever, whenever, wherever,’ that you begin living out the adventure God has planned for you.  Trust me, you cannot follow Jesus and […]


Another’s trash = God’s treasure

By Dave Henning / July 6, 2024

“Loving God is not just for contemplatives.  Loving God is laying down your life in service to the Creator so that He can give it back to you.  When we decide that our lives are about that kind of loving, the journey begins.  It changes our trajectory.  It helps us see another’s trash as God’s […]


Our misconceptions about God

By Dave Henning / July 5, 2024

“It is our misconceptions about God that lead to misconceptions about ourselves.  We often act like orphans instead of the adopted children God has chosen.  He’s more proud of you than you can imagine.  And you have no idea how many times you’ve put a smile on His face.  The heavenly Father loves catching His […]


An indelible imprint on our souls

By Dave Henning / July 4, 2024

“Our best surprises have a touch of God on them and make an indelible imprint on our souls. . . .  But sometimes our best moments come when God surprises us with things we haven’t earned and certainly don’t deserve.”- Dick Foth “See what love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be […]


Not performance based love

By Dave Henning / July 3, 2024

“The ability to love someone despite what they have done . . . is rare.  Yet Jesus shows us over and over in the Gospels that He loved people not because of what they did or didn’t do . . .  He didn’t love them because of who they were.  He loved them because of […]


Accurately estimate need

By Dave Henning / July 2, 2024

“If love really means that we accurately estimate and adequately supply another person’s need, it says a ton.  It becomes unique and powerful and life-giving.  Usually when we say we love someone, we don’t accurately estimate anything.  We love people the way we want to be loved.  We think if we want to be loved […]


Seeking success or seeking God?

By Dave Henning / July 1, 2024

“If I had to describe myself in one word now?  Seeker.  At twenty-two, I was driven by the desire to accomplish things for God.  Twenty-two years later, it’s not about seeking success.  It’s about seeking God.  And when you seek God, success will follow.”- Mark Batterson “But seek first the kingdom of God and his […]

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