All posts in " legacy "

No higher commendation

By Dave Henning / July 18, 2024

“God won’t say ‘Well thought’ or ‘Well said’ or ‘Well planned.’  There is only one commendation: ‘Well done.’  And there is no higher commendation than that.  It is the epitaph that every Christ follower wants written over their lives.  Anything less than that is falling short.”- Mark Batterson “His master said to him, ‘Well done, […]


Intangible things = legacy

By Dave Henning / July 17, 2024

“A legacy is the intangible things we leave behind. . . .  Legacy is the essence of a person — their hopes, their dreams, their passions.  It’s the part of their personality, their character, that you want to emulate.  The people who have the greatest influence on our lives create a backdrop against which we […]


Legacy and tipping points

By Dave Henning / July 6, 2023

“Legacy is not what you accomplish.  Legacy is what others accomplish because of you.  It’s growing fruit on other people’s trees, and it often starts with please, sorry, or thanks.  It’s being bold enough to offer help.  It’s being humble enough to accept help.  Those are the moments that turn into tipping points.”- Mark Batterson […]


Legacy of faithful living = small acts

By Dave Henning / November 25, 2019

” . . . small acts of faithfulness, repeated over and over, are important.  They count.  This is the legacy of faithful living. And sometimes, in a season of faithfulness, the power of God breaks through in remarkable ways.”- Jeff Manion “One day Jesus was praying in a certain place.  When he finished, one of […]


Discouragement – a key battle Christians face

By Dave Henning / May 19, 2018

“One of the main battles Christians face is discouragement.  The Enemy knows it’s going to take a massive amount of courage to do what God has called us to do and become the person God has called us to be.”- Banning Liebscher “For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some […]


What God does for us

By Dave Henning / October 24, 2016

“We think what God does for us is for us, but it’s never just for us. . . . God is thinking nations and generations.”- Mark Batterson “The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off- for all whom the LOrd our God will call.”- Acts 2:39 Mark Batterson […]


Criticize by creating

By Dave Henning / October 1, 2016

“Criticize by creating.”- attributed to Michelangelo Mark Batterson concludes Chapter 2 of Chase the Lion by talking about the day the prophet Samuel showed up on David’s doorstep.  As usual, David was tending the sheep, as he did day in and day out.  Yet, David’s earthly father failed to foresee David’s promise.  He saw nothing more, or less, than […]

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