All posts in " Lombard Street "

An upward winding path – spiral

By Dave Henning / November 5, 2023

“Spiritual growth is more like an upward winding path in which we do revisit issues, but on different levels.  That same old spot is not in the same old place.  Addressing an old issue in a new season is often a sign of growth, not failure.”- Alicia Britt Chole “Now the Lord is the Spirit, […]


Acquainted with the downward spiral?

By Dave Henning / January 3, 2021

“Are you acquainted with the downward spiral?  Convinced that no one cares, that no one can help you, hear you, or heed your call?  If you know the feeling, you aren’t alone.  That raw sense of isolation and powerlessness?  It’s not here to stay.  If you think it’s up to you and you ain’t much […]


Unintended consequences

By Dave Henning / June 25, 2016

Mark Batterson expounds on Harvard professor Robert K Merton’s(1936) groundbreaking thesis on the “law of unintended consequences” in Chapter 20 (The Kingdom of Unintended Consequences”) of If.  Pastor Batterson explains that “the outcome of our actions have unintended consequences that are beyond our ability to control, beyond our ability to predict.” These unforeseen consequences fall […]

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