All posts in " loss "

Loss is a crucible – indeed

By Dave Henning / March 19, 2021

“Loss is a crucible.  It presses into the deepest places from which we loved, causing such pain we often don’t know how to make sense of the despair.  Memories as crystal clear as if they were happening right now dance in front of us, letting us see the beauty of what used to be our […]


The daily experience of loss

By Dave Henning / August 27, 2020

“God in his mercy has given us a grace for this recurrent, incessant, unavoidable, daily experience of loss, and that gift is memory.  Through which — if we make use of it — we can go back and drink more deeply, savor, take in the full gift of wonderful moments great and small (for the […]


Process the grief of our loss

By Dave Henning / June 17, 2020

“We must process the grief of our loss; we must confront our denials and avoid letting ourselves become isolated.  It won’t happen all at once.  And it won’t happen in a perfect straight line.”- Phil Waldrep “There are some things in life over which God simply writes, ‘I’ll explain later.’ “- Corrie ten Boom Phil […]


More of a deliverance – seems like a loss

By Dave Henning / December 28, 2019

“Trust me, there are times when something that seems like a loss is, in reality, more of a deliverance.  If this happens, be big enough to realize that God may choose to bless the individual or group you chose to depart from.  I love these words from the late Dr. Bob Cook: ‘God reserves the […]


Grief and loss – walking with people

By Dave Henning / October 4, 2019

“In walking with people through grief and loss, I’ve recognized how . . . they’re desiring to connect, to be validated that their suffering or the injustice they are facing hasn’t somehow disqualified them from personhood.  They’re not even coming for answers — they just want to be reminded that God hasn’t forgotten them.”- Mitchel […]


Shards of our broken hearts

By Dave Henning / December 15, 2016

“I get to live into the dare that . . . though shards of our broken hearts pierce our lungs’ every breath, there’s the grace of a miraculous communion of all the broken.”- Ann Voskamp Author Ann Voskamp concludes Chapter 13 of The Broken Way by stating fuller inclusion in the life of Christ comes […]

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