All posts in " Martin Luther "

Measured in minutes – life?

By Dave Henning / July 16, 2024

“Life isn’t measured in minutes.  It’s measured in moments.  It’s not the length of days that really matters.  [Life’s] the stewardship of moments. . . .  In other words, make each day count.”- Mark Batterson “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”- Psalm 96:12 (NIV) “Preach [and live] […]


Laying hold of God’s willingness

By Dave Henning / December 19, 2023

“Prayer is not the overcoming of God’s reluctance but laying hold of God’s willingness.”- Martin Luther “[God] has a purpose in His processes.  Our story, our desperate needs, are never all about us.  God answers our prayers when He’ll get the most glory and can reach the most significant number of people with our story.”- […]


Wallowing in self-pity

By Dave Henning / March 31, 2023

“Concentration on our sin against God is the opposite of self-pity.  Wallowing in self-pity may appear to be repentance, but it is not . . . . Our sorrow is not over how we wronged God or others but over the trouble it has brought us.  We are not truly troubled by the sin, and […]


Navigate your inner landscape

By Dave Henning / July 22, 2022

“Driven and motivated to always feel okay is not a steadying way to navigate your life.  If your only way to navigate your inner landscape is to manipulate, control, and dominate your outer landscape, you’ve lost the map to joy. . . .  Just because the road doesn’t seem to be upward and onward, doesn’t […]


Deep personal blessing – mine the gold

By Dave Henning / June 23, 2021

“Deep personal blessing carries more power when you become a treasure hunter who accurately discerns someone’s unique identity and potential.  You can learn to mine the gold in others’ souls.”- Alan Wright Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. . . .  And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this […]


Our strivings to be like God

By Dave Henning / December 30, 2020

“Sometimes our strivings to ‘be like God’ can become self-made super-works that we subconsciously employ to pay off our sins.  The trap is that there’s just as much sin in the spiritual stuff as the earthly stuff — just ask anyone who’s ever worked . . . in the church.  Often this leads to greater […]


Masks of God – people doing God’s work

By Dave Henning / December 25, 2020

“Martin Luther had a curious but helpful way of talking about [God working through sinful, ordinary people].  He described people doing God’s work as His masks — Larvae Dei (masks of God) is the Latin phrase. . . .  We’re His masks, giving the appearance that it’s merely human beings at work.  But remove our […]


Sweating the small stuff = faithfulness

By Dave Henning / December 24, 2020

“Faithfulness in the ordinary, everyday callings of life — ‘sweating the small stuff.’ so to speak — is the beginning of any great task and a virtue of any great person. . . .  we are called to be faithful in the smallest and largest of callings.  God sees us ‘sweating the small stuff,’ and […]


The liberating truth – many simultaneous callings

By Dave Henning / December 15, 2020

“The liberating truth, however, is that we do not have one great calling in life but instead are given many callings simultaneously.  Although these may seem small and insignificant, they have sacred worth, given to us by God’s own hand.  This truth . . . enables us to participate with joy in life’s many relationships, […]


Wise and understanding people to help God reign?

By Dave Henning / October 19, 2020

“But to the world it is very foolish and offensive that God should be opposed to the wise and condemn them, when, after all, we have the idea that God could not reign if he did not have wise and understanding people to help him. . . .  Everything that God does they must improve, […]


A Christian without prayer = alive without breathing

By Dave Henning / October 21, 2019

“To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.”- Martin Luther “The LORD is close to all who call on him, to all who all who call upon him in truth.  He grants the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cries for help and rescues […]


Blessing received – poured out on others

By Dave Henning / August 2, 2019

” . . . a conviction that blessing received must be poured out on others, that the light that runs through the pages of Scripture is for all the families of the earth, that God’s shine is most often clearly perceived in practical acts of mercy.”- Tina Boesch “You are a chosen race, a royal […]

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