All posts in " prodigal son "

The gravity of the circumstances

By Dave Henning / December 29, 2023

“Time and time again, the Spirit of the living God within us will defy the gravity of the circumstances around us, if only we trust His way above our own.”- Susie Larson “For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.”- Philippians 2:13 (ESV) In Chapter […]


Counterfeit God – Jonah’s

By Dave Henning / August 7, 2023

“Jonah wants a God of his own making. . . .  When the real God — not Jonah’s counterfeit — keeps showing up, Jonah is thrown into fury or despair.  Jonah finds the real God to be an enigma because he cannot reconcile the mercy of God with his justice.”- Timothy Keller “The men of […]


Personhood or story – welcome home

By Dave Henning / June 26, 2023

“My truest, most profound strength will never be found in denying the reality of my personhood or my story.  Instead, the deepest strength has always, always been about welcoming them home.”- Aundi Kolber “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”- E. E. Cummings “For from his fullness we have all […]


Express unconditional love – freely given

By Dave Henning / October 4, 2021

“In my opinions, we express unconditional love only when we acknowledge that we are the recipients of that brand of love from God.  Freely we have received, and freely we must give.  We must forget forever the word deserve in association with love.”- Dr. Charles F. Stanley In Chapter 19 (“A Need for You to […]


Cursing what God has blessed

By Dave Henning / June 20, 2021

“God made you a little lower than the angels, and Christ paid the ultimate price to bless your life.  You’ll bring God no honor by cursing what He has blessed.  If you’re going to live a fruitful, joyous life, learn to bless, not curse, your own life.”- Alan Wright “With [the tongue] we bless our […]


Unconditional love and affirmation

By Dave Henning / June 7, 2021

“But one thing is certain: until receiving unconditional love and affirmation, unblessed souls are bound to struggle.  Some, like the younger brother in Jesus’s well-known parable of the prodigal son, run away and waste everything.  Others are like the older brother in the parable who stayed at home, did all the right things that others […]


The missing puzzle piece that fits snugly

By Dave Henning / November 20, 2020

“Like the missing puzzle piece that fits snugly and completes the picture of our lives, God Himself is our best resource — the safest, best attachment we could ever have.  And He is the only One who doesn’t need to make repair attempts (although thank goodness the rest of us can make them when we […]


Envy = the great leveler, up or down

By Dave Henning / August 20, 2020

“Envy hates to see other men happy. . . .  It begins by asking, plausibly: ‘Why should I not enjoy what others enjoy?’ and it ends by demanding: ‘Why should others enjoy what I may not?’  Envy is the great leveler; if it cannot level things up, it will level them down, and the words […]


Called up to the real thing- intense battle, authentic joy

By Dave Henning / May 28, 2017

“If you walk with God, you will find yourself called up to the real thing.  Intense battle.  Authentic joy.  The battle will find you.  But you have to be intentional about the joy.”- John Eldredge John Eldredge concludes the Fall section of Walking with God as he discusses the interaction between battle and joy.  Mr. […]


One step away from coming home

By Dave Henning / October 31, 2016

“You’re one step away from coming home . . . One step away from arms wide open.”- Casting Crowns “How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord Almighty!  My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and flesh cry out for the living God.  Even the sparrow has found a […]


Doodlebugs of this life

By Dave Henning / September 11, 2016

“Limit your world to the doodlebugs of this life and, mark it down, you will be disappointed. . . . You were made for more than this.”- Max Lucado “Seek those things which are above, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God.”- Colossians 3:1 (NKJV) In Chapter 3 (“You Find Your True […]

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