All posts in " spiritual vision "

Instruction manual – the Bible?

By Dave Henning / March 30, 2024

“A lot of people view the Bible like . . . an essential, God-inspired instruction manual.  Indeed, God’s Word is chock-full of timeless wisdom, spiritual principles, and clear directions for healthy living.  But if we think of the Scriptures as a collection of guidelines, we’ll not cherish the Word of God. . . .  Instruction […]


A practice for a lifetime

By Dave Henning / March 18, 2024

“Fresh spiritual vision can change us in an instant, but learning to look at life through Jesus’ eyes is a practice for a lifetime.  We mustn’t get frustrated when we still feel blurry-eyed. . . .  When it comes to seeing as Jesus sees, don’t despise the day of small beginnings.  Don’t underestimate the glory […]


Your spiritual vision – eyes of faith

By Dave Henning / February 13, 2021

“Having vision  . . . enables you to function more fully.  It allows you to visualize things and bring them into focus so you can experience them.  Your spiritual vision involves looking further than you can physically see.”- Dr. Tony Evans (emphasis author’s) “By faith Abraham, when called to a place he would later receive […]

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