All posts in " stronghold "

Resist temptation before it strikes

By Dave Henning / December 22, 2021

“Mordecai refused to bow.  And you? . . .  Your resolve might be the decisive gesture that breaks the stronghold.  Decide now what you will do then.  Don’t wait until the heat of the moment.  A crisis is no time to prepare an escape plan. . . .  The time to determine to resist temptation […]


Dormant for weeks – our sin nature

By Dave Henning / October 18, 2019

“Those things (sins) come easily to us because we have a nature that can lie dormant for weeks — but when triggered by the right stimulus, it can overwhelm any amount of resistance or good judgment we have.”- Bob Merritt Bob Merritt concludes Chapter 2 of Done With That as he completes his list of […]


Pulling down strongholds

By Dave Henning / December 31, 2015

“The weapons of our warfare are  . . . mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.”- 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 (NKJV) As Max Lucado continues Chapter 8 of Glory Days, he encourages us that things are different in Canaan because God […]

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