All posts in " walk with God "

Pay now or pay more later

By Dave Henning / May 20, 2017

“Over the years I’ve learned a simple lesson: pay now or pay more later.  It’s true in every area of life.”- John Eldredge As John Eldredge concludes the Summer section of Walking with God, he notes there’s a part of us that doesn’t want to be disturbed.  Not even when that information will save us […]


The bedrock for everything else

By Dave Henning / May 18, 2017

“We have the Scriptures given to us by God, and they are the bedrock for everything else.”- John Eldredge As John Eldredge continues the Summer section of Walking with God, he addresses the importance of the Bible in our walk with God.  Mr. Eldredge underscores: “God speaks to us through the Bible.  And what is […]


Our deepest and most pressing need

By Dave Henning / May 12, 2017

“Our deepest and most pressing need is to learn to walk with God.  To hear his voice.  To follow him intimately (emphasis author’s).”- John Eldredge John Eldredge originally wrote Walking with God: How to Hear His Voice in 2008.  In 2016, he published an expanded edition.  Mr. Eldredge deliberately chose to structure his book around […]


The goal of our walk with God

By Dave Henning / January 27, 2017

“I don’t think the goal of our walk with God is that we would understand every quirk and reaction of our souls.  The goal is that we would worship and trust and be sure of the One who does understand it all.”- Judah Smith “And I am sure of this, that he who began a […]


The point of our walk with God

By Dave Henning / January 26, 2017

“The point of our walk with God is not arriving.  The point is walking . . . being in relationship with God and experiencing life together.”- Judah Smith “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best of the time.”- Ephesians 5:15 In Chapter 9 (“Inside Job”) of How’s […]

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