God’s healing, transformational power

Jeff Manion begins and ends his wonderful book, The Land Between, with these words: “Welcome to the Land Between”.  While the title specifically refers to the time the Children of Israel spent in the wilderness after leaving Egypt and before entering the  Promised Land, it also generally refers to any transitional period in our own lives.

But how is it possible to feel welcome when entering the Land Between- and who is welcoming us?  We are bewildered as to how to chart our course through new, unexpected and unfamiliar territory.  Our life has changed, the future seems bleak or doubtful, and routines have been turned upside down.  We anxiously wonder how long our journey will last.  Emotions are so intricately interwoven that we find it difficult to express ourselves to God.  Belief and doubt fight for dominance in our hearts.  In the words of C.S. Lewis, “We’re not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will be.”

Yet our Lord welcomes us to this Land Between, just as we are.  If we choose to respond in faith to His invitation and provision, this transitional period provides the optimum soil for our growth as new creatures in Christ and for us to experience God’s grace in miraculous ways.  Romans 12:12-13 encourages us with these keys to spiritual renewal: “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.  Share with God’s people who are in need.  Practice hospitality.”

In “Be Unto Your Name”, Robin Mark (Revival in Belfast) sings that “we are the broken, you are the healer”.  We bow before God and bless His name in thankfulness for His healing, transformational power.

About the author

Dave Henning

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