Kyle Idleman continues Chapter 7 of The End of Me by discussing five reasons we may feel disqualified to be chosen. The first two, “I missed my chance” and “You don’t want me” are presented today.
1. “I missed my chance.” This reason for not stepping up is a time disqualification. The clock has run out. The buzzer has sounded. The game is over. You’ve missed your window of opportunity. Pastor Idleman comments:
“How sad if some of us think God looks at us and sees an overdue expiration date.”
2. “You don’t want me.” Kyle writes that one of the saddest responses he hears when talking to people about serving God is, “God doesn’t want me. Not after what I’ve done.”
Consider Peter- aka “The Rock.” After he denied Jesus three times, he retreated to his old life of fishing. Out on his boat early in the morning, Peter, Kyle theorizes, reflected on the miracle that Jesus had qualified him and the tragedy he’d disqualified himself. Yet, there Jesus was on the shore, telling Peter work still needed to be done.
Pastor Idleman believes Peter probably was surrounded by jabbering voices all too eager to remind him of his past. When that happens to you, don’t listen to those voices or take them to heart. Kyle concludes:
“Coming to the end of me also means allowing Jesus to put an end to the guilt and shame of the past.”
Today’s question: What Bible verses enable you to counter the first two reasons for feeling disqualified to serve? Please share.
Tomorrow’s blog: “Your point of disqualification”