
Crashing quickly on the rocks of reality

“That expectation ( a storm-free life) crashes quickly on the rocks of reality.  The truth of the matter is this: life comes with storms.  Jesus assures us, ‘In this world you will have trouble'(John 16:33).  Storms will come to you, to me.  They even came to Jesus’ first disciples.”- Max Lucado

“Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go ahead of him to the other side while he dismissed the crowd. . . .  Later that night . . . the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it.”- Matthew 14:22-24 (NIV)

In Chapter 8 (“Christ Is Praying for You”) of Unshakable Hope, Max Lucado features Matthew’s gospel account of Jesus’ disciples on the Sea of Galilee.  Yet, Pastor Lucado observes that one specific, unspoken expectation lingers on the human heart.  Some Christians feel that, as People of the Promise, they get a pass on the tribulations of life.  And while others face storms, they (Christians) live to help them.  But face their own storms?  No way.

However, as happened with Jesus’ disciples, storms come to the obedient.  Also, those storms come with a punch.  Yes, Max notes, Jesus’ disciples deserve credit.  Because they resolved to persist in obedience — not turn around and return to shore. But, Max states, the disciples surely shouted one question over the wind: “Anyone know where Jesus is?”

While Matthew’s text doesn’t record that question, Pastor Lucado believes it certainly was asked.  In addition, we ask that question today.  So, where in the world is Jesus?  Max offers a clear and surprising answer: praying.

Furthermore, the author posits, since Jesus was in the storm, He prayed.  Perhaps the storm provided the basis for His intercession.  Thus, Jesus’ first course of action involved praying for His followers.  As Romans 8:34 reminds us, Jesus is “at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.”

Today’s question: Which of your expectations crashed quickly on the rocks of reality?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “In the midst of your storm, Jesus intercedes”

About the author 

Dave Henning

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