
The impact of our choices

“Someday, when we see our Savior face-to-face, for at least a flickering moment we’ll realize that the pain of our sin ran deeper than we knew, the impact of our choices cost more than we realized, and the abundance of His grace was far greater than we imagined.”- Susie Larson

“For from his fullness we have received grace upon grace.  For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.”- John 1:16-17 (ESV)

Susie Larson concludes Chapter 5 of Closer Than Your Next Breath as she underscores that we need God’s empowering favor and provision every step of the way.  In addition, the author observes, grace heels our perspective of ourselves.

Therefore, writing in Soul Set Free, John Lindell expands our understanding of grace:

“Grace says everything that ever needed to be done has been done for you already.  Grace says you can finally lay the burden down, let the people who hurt you off the hook — even let yourself off the hook. . . .  You aren’t asked to do anything about it — except believe.  Put all your weight down on grace and the God who offers it.  Live in the light of it; live as if you can really trust it.”

In conclusion, Susie notes, in life we suffer, endure hardship, face persecution.  However, she underscores, nothing separates us from the Father’s love.  Nothing.  Nor can any of those things derail God’s beautiful plan for our lives.  Above all, even as we face the consequences of our choices, we never all out of the Father’s love, grace, and mercy.

Most significantly, as faithful followers of Jesus, we grow — even when we fail to realize it.  Because our trials train us, our mistakes humble us, and our dreams offer us encouragement.  As a work in progress, we press on without condemnation.  Certainly, grace never functions as a license to sin.  Instead, grace provides the power for us to know who God created us to be.

Today’s question: How do we experience God’s grace in the light of the impact of our choices?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “A sense of expectancy”

About the author 

Dave Henning

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