About the author

Dave Henning


Carry everything to God in prayer

By Dave Henning / May 20, 2012

In Chapter 18 of A Gentle Thunder author Max Lucado discusses Jesus changing water into wine at the wedding reception in Cana.  He notes that when the wine was gone, Mary could have exploded by blaming others or imploded by blaming herself.  But Mary had a third option, the best choice of all- she assessed […]


If it meows, it must be a cat!

By Dave Henning / May 18, 2012

In A Gentle Thunder, Max Lucado retells the story of a king and his two sons.  They asked their father if a gentleman was born or made.  The first son said a gentleman was born that way, the second that one could become a gentleman through practice and discipline.  The sons had a week to […]


God is faithful

By Dave Henning / May 18, 2012

Max Lucado (A Gentle Thunder) uses the account of Jesus feeding the 5000 to convey the message that even thought his people may give up, God will continue to be faithful. Max explains: “God’s faithfulness has never depended on the faithfulness of his children.  He is faithful even when we aren’t.  When we lack courage, […]


Jesus, the Good Cowboy?

By Dave Henning / May 17, 2012

Max Lucado contrasts the images of a cowboy and a shepherd in Chapter 11 of A Gentle Thunder.  For example, a cowboy yells at the cattle, while a shepherd calls each sheep by name.  A cowboy drives cattle, a shepherd leads sheep. How do we perceive Jesus during our transition or Land Between time?  Max […]


Where’s the music

By Dave Henning / May 16, 2012

“Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.”- John 16:7 Max Lucado (A Gentle Thunder) likens the process of learning something new to someone learning to dance by reading a book on the subject.  Although the steps in the book are practiced […]


An uninvited guest

By Dave Henning / May 15, 2012

In Chapter 8 of A Gentle Thunder, Max Lucado observes that when Judas led the Roman soldiers to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, no one recognized Jesus.  Max explains: “Seeing Jesus is more than a matter of the eyes, it is a matter of the heart.” Just as he was present in the Garden […]


Our daily bread

By Dave Henning / May 14, 2012

In Chapter 6 of A Gentle Thunder, Max Lucado shares his thoughts on John 6:35- “I am the bread of life.  He who comes to me will never go hungry, he who believes in me will never be thirsty.” While there are seasonal fruits and vegetables or special drinks for specific holidays, Max comments that: “Bread […]


Music tomorrow

By Dave Henning / May 13, 2012

Again referencing John 6:16-21, Max Lucado wonders how many times the disciples searched the darkness for Jesus or called out his name.  They most certainly must have wondered why Jesus was taking so long, just as we do today while in the midst of our adversity. The answer came to Max as he heard his […]


It’s after midnight- where have you been??

By Dave Henning / May 12, 2012

Max Lucado bases his book A Gentle Thunder: Hearing God Through the Storm on the gospel of John.  In Chapter 4, “Miracle at Midnight”, Max comments on John 16: 16-21, when the disciples were in a boat rowing toward Capernaum and Jesus hadn’t yet joined them.  Even though a storm was brewing, Jesus didn’t arrive […]


The wide-angle lens

By Dave Henning / May 10, 2012

When going through adverse or transitional experiences, Dr. Stephen Viars (Putting Your Past in Its Place) says that it is helpful to view our circumstances in the light of eternity. Consider Romans 8:18- “I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed […]


Loose lips sink relationships

By Dave Henning / May 10, 2012

Transition or Land Between times often set our emotions on edge.  Our thoughts skew toward negativity and our wods often exacerbate the situation or our relationships. In Putting Your Past in Its Place, Dr. Stephen Viars wonders: “Have you ever felt truly joyful after you blew up at a person who treated you in an […]


On or off the hook

By Dave Henning / May 9, 2012

Bob Merritt closes When Life’s Not Working with this wonderful quote by Shauna Niequist from her book Cold Tangerines.  Shauna describes her battle with forgiveness and compares unforgiveness to keeping someone on the ‘hook’: “When I’m trying to forgive someone I picture myself physically lifting that person off a big hook.  I never want to.  […]

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