All posts in "Blog"

Civilized or uncivilized?

By Dave Henning / March 23, 2014

His disciples remembered that it was written, “Zeal for your house will consume me.”- John 2:17 As Mark Batterson concludes Chapter 8 of In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day, he states that there is a very powerful scene in Rocky III where Rocky has achieved boxing fame but in the process […]


The sky’s the limit

By Dave Henning / March 22, 2014

“Truly I say to you, unless you turn and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”- Matthew 18:3 In Chapter 8 of In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day, author Mark Batterson discusses how we can tap into that natural weirdness with which we’re born.  His answer […]


Divergent spirituality- freeing our inner fool

By Dave Henning / March 21, 2014

As Chapter 8 of In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day continues, Mark Batterson discusses the topic of divergent spirituality.  He begins by citing a fascinating study on divergent thinking- thinking outside the box.  That study found that 98% of three to five year olds scored in the genius category for divergent […]


Don’t pity the fool

By Dave Henning / March 20, 2014

“We try to be too reasonable about what we believe. What I believe is not reasonable at all.  It’s hilariously impossible.  Possible things aren’t worth much.  These crazy impossible things keep us going.”- Madeleine L’Engle “But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise.”- 1 Corinthians 1:27 In Chapter 8 (“The […]


“Opportunity costs”

By Dave Henning / March 19, 2014

“He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap.”- Ecclesiastes 11:4 Toward the end of Chapter 7 of In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day, Mark Batterson notes hat the English word “opportunity” comes from the Latin phrase ob portu.  Before modern harbors were […]


Survival mode or prayer mode?

By Dave Henning / March 17, 2014

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.”- Colossians 4:2 “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”- Ephesians 2:10 As Chapter 7 of In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day continues, Mark Batterson contrasts life in survival […]


Opportunity roars

By Dave Henning / March 16, 2014

In Chapter 7 of In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day, Mark Batterson encourages us to think of every opportunity as a gift from God.  Acting on that opportunity is our gift to God.  And it doesn’t matter if those opportunities are big or small. Colossians 4:5 tells us “to make the […]


Mustard seed opportunities

By Dave Henning / March 15, 2014

“Do not despise these small beginnings . . .”- Zechariah 4:10 (New Living Translation) “Well done, good and faithful servant.  You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much.”- Matthew 25:21 As Mark Batterson begins Chapter 7 (“Grabbing Opportunity by the Mane”) of In a Pit with a Lion on a […]


Sink or sit

By Dave Henning / March 14, 2014

“Make the most of your regrets; never smother your sorrow, but tend and cherish it till it comes to have a separate and integral interest.  To regret deeply is to live afresh.”- Henry David Thoreau In Chapter 6 of In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day, author Mark Batterson observes that when […]


The butterfly effect

By Dave Henning / March 13, 2014

As Mark Batterson begins Chapter 6 (“Playing It Safe Is Risky”) of In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day, he tells the story of an MIT meteorologist named Edward Lorenz.  In 1960 Edward was attempting to develop a computer program that could simulate and forecast weather conditions.  Usually he used the number […]


Spiritual whiplash

By Dave Henning / March 12, 2014

“Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my sighing.”- Psalm 5:1 As Chapter 5 of In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day concludes, Mark Batterson tells of the time his daughter Summer asked a question out of nowhere: “Dad, why did God create mosquitoes?”  Then Summer added: “I’ve been saving that […]


Uncertainty- an acquired taste

By Dave Henning / March 11, 2014

In Chapter 5 of In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day, Mark Batterson observes that the longer he lives, he thinks that spiritual maturity is “less about figuring out the future and more about a moment-by-moment sensitivity to the Spirit of God.”  While there’s nothing wrong with making plans and setting goals, Pastor Batterson […]

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