All posts in " Moses "

Cultivated a better rest

By Dave Henning / June 12, 2024

“We envy a person at rest and at peace within themselves — a person who is confident and present — but we overlook the fact that that person’s ability to be present and alive and even joyful in the moment is often not because of their circumstances.  They’ve cultivated a better rest of the soul.”- […]


Our ultimate security

By Dave Henning / April 24, 2024

“Our ultimate security rests wholly and completely on who God is.  He is why we’re okay.  He is also why we can be broken and doubt and fear and cry.  We think God is waiting for us to pull ourselves together, but actually He is waiting for us to come to Him and fall apart.  […]


Vision = a preservative

By Dave Henning / July 29, 2023

“Vision is a preservative.  It will keep you young.  The best way to stop sinning isn’t to stop sinning.  That’ll work for a week or two.  You need a vision that is bigger and better than the temptation you face! . . .  [You] have to discover something more important than the problem.”- Mark Batterson […]


Hear second – the hinge

By Dave Henning / May 23, 2023

“Come first.  Hear second.  The second rhythm on the way to a well-built life is ‘Hear my words.’  It is the instruction sandwiched between the other two rhythms: it is the hinge.  We come to Jesus in order to hear his words of life, and we must hear something from him to practice following him.”- […]


Not merely holy nor merely loving

By Dave Henning / March 9, 2023

“God is not merely sad nor merely angry — because he is not merely holy nor merely loving.  He is angry over the offense and violation of sin but mourning over its effects over what it is doing to the creation and the human race he loves.  It is important for our purposes to see […]


Firestorm or whirlwind – or baby?

By Dave Henning / November 30, 2022

“Why would God come this time in the form of a baby, rather than a firestorm or whirlwind?  Because this time he has come not to bring judgment but to bear it, to pay the penalty for our sins, to take away the barrier between humanity and God, so we can be together.  Jesus is […]


Shaky in your faith right now?

By Dave Henning / November 13, 2022

“You may be shaky in your faith right now or timid in times of confusion and doubt.  God can raise you up to complete great works for Him. . . .  [Moses’] story gives all of us an example of what it means to be redeemed from the frailties of our flesh and used by […]


Make holiness formulaic?

By Dave Henning / October 20, 2022

“It’s easy to make holiness formulaic, something achieved.  But the distinct life God desires of us is not something based on humanity’s achievement or moralism.  Instead, it emerges in the relationship between God and us.  And such a relationship requires presence: God’s presence in our lives.”- Timothy D. Willard “Then the LORD came down in […]


The context of grace – enter solitude

By Dave Henning / December 7, 2021

“We enter into solitude first of all to meet our Lord and to be with Him and Him alone.  Only in the context of grace can we face our sin; only in the place of healing do we dare to show our wounds; only with a single-minded attention to Christ can we give up our […]


The Lord of the Harvest works steps ahead

By Dave Henning / October 21, 2021

“Even though the harvest isn’t what you thought, the harvest is still here.  The Lord of the Harvest is always working many steps ahead of us, and what he has produced in and through us is not always immediately evident. . . .  You are not forgotten when the harvest looks different than you dreamed.”- […]


Valley of development – destiny prep

By Dave Henning / February 18, 2021

“The road to your destiny passes through a valley of development.  This is where God prepares you for your destiny and prepares everything and everyone else related to your destiny for you.  Most of us don’t like to think about going through a time of development.  It doesn’t usually make for great stories in the […]


A higher and deeper calling from God

By Dave Henning / May 15, 2020

“But what happens when God calls you higher and deeper out of his great love for you?  God saw Moses.  He knew the ugliness in Moses’s story, yet he still called Moses to follow him.  Moses needed God’s might power to enable him for the task at hand.  We do too.  This calling is a […]

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