A spiritual arteriogram

By Dave Henning / June 12, 2013

One test a cardiologist uses to diagnose heart health is an arteriogram.  The doctor injects a dye into the blood stream and then X-rays the arteries to locate any blockages.  In Chapter 2 of Gods at War, Kyle Idleman presents a spiritual arteriogram, asking 7 questions to test our spiritual heart health by revealing and locating some problem areas.  The first two questions are presented in today’s blog (the author’s words are in bold type).

1.  What disappoints you?  Disappointment can be overwhelming.  When our disappointment becomes disproportionate, it reveals that we are placing intense hope and longing in something other than our Lord.  In Managing Your Emotions, Erwin Lutzer writes: “Have you ever thought that our disappointments are God’s way of reminding us that there are idols in our lives that must be dealt with?”

2.  What do you complain about the most?  Closely related to the first question, complaint is our outward expression of disappointment.  A good way to assess our complaints is to seek the opinion of someone close to us.  Pastor Idleman notes that “whining shows what has power over us”.  He goes on to contrast whining with worship:

“Worship is when we glorify God for who he is and acknowledge what he has done for us, but whining is ignoring who God is and forgetting what he has done for us.”

Today’s question: Please share your response to Erwin Lutzer’s take on disappointments.

Tomorrow’s post: “A spiritual arteriogram- Part 2”

About the author

Dave Henning

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