Surface for air – God waits until I’m able

By Dave Henning / September 26, 2019

“God has waited patiently with me in the midst of my anger and questions, faithful and unchanging.  He waits until I’m able to surface for air, waits to help me see glimpses of goodness.”- Aubrey Sampson

“God does not punish those who remonstrate or rise up against him; rather, he gives sustenance to those who hunger and water to those who thirst. . . .  The lament of those who suffer is heard by God — even though in desperation their lament is turned against God, even though it is an accusation against God.”- Claus Westermann

Aubrey Sampson concludes Chapter 5 of The Louder Song as she observes that is doesn’t really matter if you:

  • hit the wall in lament
  • can’t attain enough clarity to react in a super positive way
  • lament in a perfect, orderly way
  • embarrass yourself

Consequently, Aubrey asserts, you get to feel what you feel.  As a result, you feel no pressure to transcend the moment as you lament.  Instead, in lament you experience freedom to express yourself honestly with God and yourself about the shaky ground you walk on.  Until you feel God’s steady hand holding you.  And, neither your identity — nor God’s — has shifted.

Finally, Aubrey describes one thing shd’e like to burn onto your hurting heart:

“Even though you suffer from this awful thing — no matter how truly terrible it may be — and even though you may not be able to surface for air right now, God has not changed.  He is utterly faithful, and you are utterly loved. . . . .  simply and profoundly because you are the object of God’s fixed delight and affection.  Even when you hit walls, even at your messiest, you are his beautiful one.”

Today’s question:  What emotions do you feel when God waits for you to surface for air?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Painful circumstances – imprecatory laments”

About the author

Dave Henning

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