Greet one another for your sake – and theirs!

By Dave Henning / March 5, 2020

“Greet one another for your sake.  Experience the joy of showing people they matter.  Greet one another for their sake.  What is small to you may be large to them.  Most of all, greet one another for Jesus’ sake.”- Max Lucado

Max Lucado concludes Chapter 5 of How Happiness Happens as he observes that a greeting is (a) in its purest sense an expression of goodwill and (b) an unselfish act.  Furthermore, the first one to benefit from a greeting is the one who gives it.  And hugging boosts your joy level and decreases the rate of sickness.  Therefore, greet people for your sake.

In addition, Pastor Lucado exhorts, greet people for their sake.  The ungreeted person never thinks that people ignore him/her as an expression of love.  Also, Max notes, silence often births the unhappy child of insecurity.  So, don’t only greet the people you like, know, or want to know.  Rather, follow the apostle Paul’s instruction to “Greet one another.”

For many years, Max reports, former NBA star David Robinson worshiped as a member of Oak Hills Church in San Antonio.  The first time he walked into Pastor Lucado’s church, all heads turned to look to him.  Max almost needed to pause his opening remarks.

But approximately the same time, another guest entered the sanctuary.  However, no heads turned to notice the homeless man who wandered in off the street – with one exception.  A tenderhearted, kind elder made it a point to leave his pew and sit down next to the homeless man.

Consequently, Max comments on what we’d certainly do if Jesus entered the room.  Max writes:

“Were Jesus to enter a room, every eye would turn and every person would stand.  We’d wait in line for the chance to hold his hands and touch his feet.  No one would miss the opportunity to welcome our Savior.  According to Jesus, we have that opportunity every day.”

Today’s question: How do you feel when you greet one another for your sake – and theirs?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “

About the author

Dave Henning

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