All posts in " strongholds "

Pull down strongholds

By Dave Henning / February 5, 2024

“The early Church transformed a fractured and violent world, because people with radical differences began to grasp in their heads and hearts what it meant to be in this new family.  Like the early Church, we must pull down strongholds and replace them with truth.”- Chip Ingram “This mystery is that through the gospel the […]


Walk circles around Jericho

By Dave Henning / December 30, 2015

Max Lucado begins Chapter 8 (“Walk Circles Around Jericho”) of Glory Days with a recap of some Jericho facts.  The immense and impenetrable walls consisted of two concentric circles rising a total of forty feet above the ground.  Jericho’s inhabitants were ferocious and barbaric.  God, not Joshua, was responsible for bringing down those walls.  Pastor […]


Six Common Idols

By Dave Henning / May 14, 2015

Charles Stanley continues Chapter 3 of Waiting on God by identifying and describing six common idols, or subtle strongholds, that we often hold too tightly.  The first two common idols are discussed today. 1.  Our own understanding.  When adversity comes, we often don’t understand what is going on or why God allowed it to happen […]


Strongholds in our lives

By Dave Henning / May 13, 2015

In Chapter 3 of Waiting on God, Charles Stanley builds on God’s testing of Abraham by asking the following question: Who or what is on the throne of your heart?  Idolatry is a stronghold that stealthily slips into our lives.  We may not even be aware it has taken hold.  Dr. Stanley asks three questions […]

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