“The early Church transformed a fractured and violent world, because people with radical differences began to grasp in their heads and hearts what it meant to be in this new family. Like the early Church, we must pull down strongholds and replace them with truth.”- Chip Ingram
“This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharing together in the promise in Christ Jesus.”- Ephesians 3:6 (NIV)
Chip Ingram continues Chapter 12 of Discover Your True Self with the third and fourth specific ways God called us.
3. God calls us into a new family (Ephesians 2:11-22). Most significantly, Pastor Ingram notes, the words “peace” and “unity” come up often in this passage. Because Paul emphasizes the new creation as an entirely new identity (v. 14-18).
In addition, when Paul wrote Ephesians great tension existed between Jews and Gentiles. As a result, both groups looked down on each other. Yet, God created our new family out of both groups. A new family that He inhabits Himself. Certainly, God’s presence dwells in each individual believer. However, His presence multiplies and manifests when we come together.
Therefore, God calls us not only to accomplish something, but to be part of a new family.
4. God calls us to fulfill His new plan (Ephesians 3:1-13). First, Chip states, Paul uses the word “mystery” three times in the first six verses of Chapter 3. However, the Greek word doesn’t mean something one cannot explain or to remain shrouded in uncertainty. Rather, it means something secret or once hidden. And, as Paul explains in verse 6, this mystery no longer remains secret.
In conclusion, Pastor Ingram exhorts:
‘We are called to be evidence of what God’s heart is like. . . . Your role is to give away your life — a life like no one else’s — to go into the world to make disciples and to simply live each day as a reflection of God’s grace. And that purpose comes with a promise that He will empower us and never leave us alone.”
Today’s question: What most compels you to pull down strongholds? Please share.
Tomorrow’s blog: “Leaning into God’s calling”