About the author

Dave Henning


Music tomorrow

By Dave Henning / May 13, 2012

Again referencing John 6:16-21, Max Lucado wonders how many times the disciples searched the darkness for Jesus or called out his name.  They most certainly must have wondered why Jesus was taking so long, just as we do today while in the midst of our adversity. The answer came to Max as he heard his […]


It’s after midnight- where have you been??

By Dave Henning / May 12, 2012

Max Lucado bases his book A Gentle Thunder: Hearing God Through the Storm on the gospel of John.  In Chapter 4, “Miracle at Midnight”, Max comments on John 16: 16-21, when the disciples were in a boat rowing toward Capernaum and Jesus hadn’t yet joined them.  Even though a storm was brewing, Jesus didn’t arrive […]


The wide-angle lens

By Dave Henning / May 10, 2012

When going through adverse or transitional experiences, Dr. Stephen Viars (Putting Your Past in Its Place) says that it is helpful to view our circumstances in the light of eternity. Consider Romans 8:18- “I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed […]


Loose lips sink relationships

By Dave Henning / May 10, 2012

Transition or Land Between times often set our emotions on edge.  Our thoughts skew toward negativity and our wods often exacerbate the situation or our relationships. In Putting Your Past in Its Place, Dr. Stephen Viars wonders: “Have you ever felt truly joyful after you blew up at a person who treated you in an […]


On or off the hook

By Dave Henning / May 9, 2012

Bob Merritt closes When Life’s Not Working with this wonderful quote by Shauna Niequist from her book Cold Tangerines.  Shauna describes her battle with forgiveness and compares unforgiveness to keeping someone on the ‘hook’: “When I’m trying to forgive someone I picture myself physically lifting that person off a big hook.  I never want to.  […]


The other side of you

By Dave Henning / May 8, 2012

Bob Merritt (When Life’s Not Working) reports that a question members of his leadership team ask is, “What’s it like to be on the other side of me?’ We all have personality and character flaws that we may or may not consciously be aware of, but nevertheless they exist.  Since your ministry downsizing or position loss, […]


Stretching exercises

By Dave Henning / May 7, 2012

In his book When Life’s Not Working, Bob Merritt discusses the essential qualities needed for growth, for stepping out of our comfort zones. He cites the words of Henry Cloud from his book Integrity: “People who grow jump in over their head.  They try things they cannot do, then stretch to become able to do […]


Working to heal

By Dave Henning / May 5, 2012

Bob Merritt (When Life’s Not Working) draws on the prophet Nehemiah to develop 4 key steps to overcoming insurmountable problems: Step 1:  Fast and pray.  Actually, the very first thing Nehemiah did was sit down and cry.  Grieving is essential in coming to grips with your downsizing or position loss.  As you give voice to […]


One tug at a time

By Dave Henning / May 5, 2012

In Chapter 7 (“Have Barbed-Wire Discipline”) of When Life’s Not Working, Pastor Bob Merritt compares enormous and seemingly insurmountable problems that most of us face to a big ball of barbed-wire that sat in his back yard for 15 years.  He asks: “What is it in your life that seems so over whelming that every […]


A long and winding road

By Dave Henning / May 4, 2012

After I’ve annotated and blogged a book on the Crown of Compassion web site, my wife reads the book for her benefit and to contribute her insights.  Currently she is reading The Peace God Promises by Ann Spangler.  Today she remarked that Ann Spangler commented that one reason we find it hard to keep our […]


Taking a rhythm break

By Dave Henning / May 2, 2012

While Bob Merritt stresses the importance of establishing predictable rhythms, he does acknowledge that there are times when it’t appropriate to take a break.  He states: “I’ve learned that I have to make time for things that I don’t have time for because that’s where God often shows up, that’s when surprises and adventures happen.” […]


No rhythm in a vacuum

By Dave Henning / May 1, 2012

After discussing the establishment of predictable rhythms in physical exercise and work, author Bob Merritt (When Life’s Not Working) offers this caveat: rhythms do not exist in a vacuum.  He states:  “Nobody has the freedom to establish their own rhythm to the neglect of others who work with and around them.  . . . . […]

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