All posts in " Abraham "

The Laban in your life

By Dave Henning / November 29, 2023

“Let’s talk about the Laban in your life.  I know.  You’d rather not.  You’d rather talk about something — someone — more pleasant.  Your Laban is . . . demanding . . . conniving . . . deceptive . . . manipulative. . . .  A future with no Laban, for the time, is not […]


Religious checklist of dos and don’ts?

By Dave Henning / May 29, 2023

“God’s goal is always that we expand our ability to move in all kinds of ways, but he also recognizes our individuality and uniqueness.  Putting the Word of God into practice isn’t a religious checklist of dos and don’ts.  It happens through everyday moments . . . in the context of a relationships.”- Alli Patterson […]


Firestorm or whirlwind – or baby?

By Dave Henning / November 30, 2022

“Why would God come this time in the form of a baby, rather than a firestorm or whirlwind?  Because this time he has come not to bring judgment but to bear it, to pay the penalty for our sins, to take away the barrier between humanity and God, so we can be together.  Jesus is […]


A little something for God

By Dave Henning / November 11, 2022

“Most Christians are part-time saints.  They’ll do a little something for God here or there when it’s convenient, but few are willing to truly sacrifice their own wants, desires, comfort, and needs to advance His kingdom and promote His glory.  The problems arise when part-time saints look to God for full-time blessing.”- Dr. Tony Evans […]


When facts conflict with faith

By Dave Henning / November 8, 2022

“I encourage you to never let the facts get in the way of your faith.  Don’t deny the facts — facts are facts — but just know that faith is never limited to facts alone.  Facts always involve what you see.  Faith always involves what you don’t see.  Many problems arise when facts conflict with […]


An inheritance for you: destiny

By Dave Henning / November 5, 2022

“God has an inheritance for you that involves your destiny.  He has a purpose and a plan for you to fulfill. But God will not show you your destiny if He can’t get you to first leave where you’re stuck.  As long as you’re hanging out with the world and its values . . . […]


Human freedoms – the last one

By Dave Henning / December 8, 2021

“Everything can be taken from a man, but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.”- Viktor Frankl, Austrian neurologist, Holocaust survivor “If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good things to your children, how much more will your Father […]


Our image of God: more about knee-ology

By Dave Henning / July 2, 2021

“Often we think our image of God is limited to our concepts and beliefs, but actually it’s less about our theology and more about our knee-ology.  How we actually feel and experience God when we pray is largely based on our early childhood relationships. . . .  What do you see when you look into […]


Your spiritual vision – eyes of faith

By Dave Henning / February 13, 2021

“Having vision  . . . enables you to function more fully.  It allows you to visualize things and bring them into focus so you can experience them.  Your spiritual vision involves looking further than you can physically see.”- Dr. Tony Evans (emphasis author’s) “By faith Abraham, when called to a place he would later receive […]


Forfeit spiritual potential – fail to pray

By Dave Henning / September 24, 2020

“When I fail to pray . . . I forfeit my spiritual potential.  But when I pray, the best I can do is no longer the best I can do.  The best I can do is the best God can do.  And He is able to do immeasurably more than I can ask or imagine […]


Under attack – someone you know

By Dave Henning / March 6, 2020

“Someone you know is under attack.  You may not know what to say.  You may not have resources to help.  But you have this: you have prayer.”- Max Lucado “Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.  The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great […]


Faith – rarely measured by earthly success

By Dave Henning / May 6, 2019

“Our faith is in God and the big picture that we won’t completely see this side of eternity.  It isn’t easily — or rarely at all — measured by earthly success, but it’s what keeps us aligned with the truth that sings out in our soul.”- Kyle Idleman “Abraham reasoned that God could even raise […]

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